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Tiktok Trend Report: 2024 Product Selection Guide

The saying goes, "Three points depend on operations, seven points depend on product selection."

So, in the face of a vast array of products, a merchant's product selection is actually participating in a gamble...

Whether the "gamble" is successful or not? — It depends on the specific data performance of the product on TikTok! But where does the data come from?

Today, Shoplus will present this answer for everyone, showing the 2023 annual product sales ranking. Helping you choose products for 2024 that have potential and are hot sellers!

一、United States - Multiple Categories Competing for Growth


二、United Kingdom - Beauty and Personal Care Achieves Success


三、Thailand - Dominance in a Single Category on the Charts


四、Vietnam - High Demand Across Various Categories on the Chart


五、Indonesia - Strong Consumption Across Categories Rebounding


六、Malaysia - A Diverse Range of Categories on the List




Based on the data, it can be seen that the markets in the United States and Vietnam both exhibit diverse landscapes and healthy market ecosystems.

● In the US market, various categories are explored, with good performances in categories such as beauty and personal care, electronics, home essentials, clothing, and health products.

● In the Vietnamese market, categories like household appliances, beauty and personal care, food and beverages, and health products also hold a significant market share.

● In contrast, the annual rankings of products in Thailand appear somewhat singular, with beauty and personal care dominating the market. This reflects the strong interest of local consumers in beauty and personal care products.

There are multiple methods to stay updated on current TikTok trends, one of which is utilizing TikTok analytics trackers like Shoplus. Shoplus not only serves as a trend discovery tool, but it also assists users in discovering top influencers. With its All-in-One TikTok analytics capabilities, this platform provides a free trial and encompasses eight features to enhance your success on TikTok. Within this tool, you can explore various types of trending content, including popular TikTok hashtags, songs, and videos.

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