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Eight TikTok Influencer Marketing Advantages

Sensor Tower store intelligence data shows that in May 2022 D sound and TikTok in the global App Store and Google Play to absorb more than $ 277 million, 1.6 times more than the same period last year, reigning as the global mobile application (non-game) revenue list champion. As the domestic short video is already at its peak, or even in a saturated state, the future development of space is limited, while TikTok is in the development stage, the audience is more extensive, so its future development is considerable, we can seize the wind to make money. Choose right influencer marketing methods, further from the success. 

How can we operate TikTok account better? 

TikTok influencer advantage  one - expand the publicity coverage

One of the major advantages of TikTok influencer marketing is that it can help you reach a large audience. By partnering with the right influencer, you can attract followers who may not have heard of your brand or product.

TikTok Influencer marketing advantage two - increased credibility

When influencers promote your brand or product, what they say adds credibility. This is because their followers trust them and are more likely to believe what they say rather than from the brand or company.

TikTok Influencer Marketing Advantage  three - Increased ROI

As mentioned earlier, one of the benefits of TikTok influencer marketing is that it is very effective in increasing ROI. By partnering with the right TikTok influencer, you can see a significant return on your investment.

TikTok Influencer Marketing Advantage Four - Help Avoid Ad Blockers

A 2021 study showed that 47% of 25-34 year old participants use desktop ad blockers and 34% use mobile ad blockers. As privacy concerns increase, more and more people will start using ad blockers to protect their data. These blockers typically only affect display ads and not social media ads. But while your social ads are safe, the sentiment around ad blockers still exists: people really don't want to see ads. Most people will ignore infomercials or click YouTube's "Skip Ads" button as soon as possible. Instead, they're following their favorite creators, and they're more likely to see TikTok influencers promoting products authentically than watching eye-catching ads. And influencer marketing is meeting the high demand for advertising formats.

TikTok Influencer Marketing Advantage Five - Helping Brands Open Up New Opportunities

Let's say you are working with creators who are producing amazing content and whose audience is aligned with your target demographic. Now, what if you could use that data to drive your own advertising. Essentially, influencer gives you permission to place ads through their social media accounts. You can use their audience data to find more people to reach, and the ads look like they're coming from the creator, not the brand, which can make them seem more credible. Shoplus is a all-in-one influencer marketing tool that can offer you detailed information about TikTok influencers such as their average transctions values, followers, sales, etc. Using this tool, you can find the hottest TikTok influencers.

TikTok Influencer Marketing Advantage Six - Improve SEO Rankings

Getting links to your site from other high quality sites can tell search engines that your content is good, which can improve SEO rankings. Therefore, if you partner with bloggers and have them link to your site in posts about you, your site may top the search results page. In addition, creator partnerships build awareness. When people hear about your brand, they may search for you on Google. When they do, this increased natural traffic will signal to search engines that people want to check out your content, which can improve your SEO rankings.

TikTok influencer Marketing Advantage Seven - Providing a "Halo Effect"

The halo effect is the tendency for a positive attribute of an individual, company, brand or product to positively influence the opinions or feelings of others in the field. When influencers have a loyal following and talk about products or services they like, their fans' positive perceptions of the creator will transfer to whatever they are talking about. If you are in a competitive industry or have a product that people may be a bit wary of buying online, the creator and halo effect can increase confidence in your product and inspire purchases.

TikTok influencer marketing advantage eight - helping brands develop content strategies

TikTok influencer marketing are experts in producing content that inspires and engages fans, creators whose content truly resonates with your brand, and proposes partnerships. Because influencer puts so much effort into creating beautiful, quality content, it can benefit you greatly. Just make sure to negotiate the rights to use the content so you can repurpose the fruits of their labor.

Just because there are so many advantages to TikTok influencer marketing doesn't mean that all influencers are right for your product. If you choose a mismatched influencer to market with, it will only go south and make it difficult to succeed. You can use Tikmeta to choose the right influencer for you, because it is a TikTok analytics viewer that can accurately and effectively find the influencer that meets your needs. For example

  • If you are a brand merchant, it can discover the daedalus whose audience matches your target market.
  • If you are an MCN agency, it can access the list of netizens from different countries, analyze the influence of accounts, explore potential talents, and monitor the daily update data of multiple accounts.
  • If you are a talent/creative team, it tracks popular trends, discovers popular video and music content, keeps abreast of hot trends and inspires creativity.
  • I hope the above dry goods sharing can help you!
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